Scientists FINALLY Make A Ground Breaking Discovery – Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) disappeared on March 8, 2014, during its journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, carrying 239 passengers and crew. Despite extensive search efforts, the main wreckage has not been located, leading to various theories and ongoing investigations.

In recent years, several researchers have proposed new theories regarding the aircraft’s final location:

  • Vincent Lyne’s Hypothesis: In August 2024, Australian scientist Vincent Lyne suggested that MH370 may have been deliberately flown into a deep trench within the Broken Ridge area of the Indian Ocean. He describes this trench as a “perfect hiding spot,” making detection challenging.
  • Richard Godfrey’s Analysis: British aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey combined satellite data with Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) technology to estimate the crash site. His research points to a location near the Broken Ridge, aligning with Lyne’s theory.
  • Hydroacoustic Research: In May 2024, researchers from Cardiff University analyzed underwater acoustic signals recorded around the time of MH370’s disappearance. They identified a weak signal that could correspond to the aircraft’s impact, suggesting that controlled underwater explosions could help pinpoint the crash site.

Despite these developments, the exact location of MH370 remains unknown. Theories about the cause of its disappearance vary, with some experts suggesting deliberate actions by the pilot, while others consider alternative scenarios. The search for definitive answers continues, driven by advancements in technology and ongoing research efforts.



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